No, I am not going on another anniversary trip to Chattanooga, we are back to the session known as "Tennessee". You may remember this one had the TRX exercise where you had to walk around on your hands. The two exercises I really want to spruce up are the 5/4 goblet squats and the TRX Bulgarian squats. I want to ramp those two movements up a notch today.
The rest of the week has
Wisconsin- Horizontal Pulling focus
California- Vertical pressing focus (you haven't done this one yet)
The big (hopefully) scavenger hunt for BigHouse Foundation.
Hopefully by Thursday I will have an idea of how many people will be in attendance. I have to not only put the books out around the park but also plot them on a map and make copies of the map. I know a couple people have dropped out because they tested positive for the Rona but hopefully it will be a good showing. If there are a lot of people, I will place a lot of books. If there are only a few people, I won't place near as many.
Upper Pavilion today.
See ya in the woods!