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The sling maker

My name is Vince DiLetto and I want to lead you to new levels of health that seem impossible.

My career in the health and fitness field began as many do, personal training. After receiving my Health Education: Exercise Science degree, I moved to Gainesville, FL and was fortunate to be a leader in one of the top health clubs in the world where I learned so much from some incredible people. My colleagues included Olympic athletes, other worldly massage therapists, and some of the best strength coaches in the country. I then moved back close to my roots in Georgia where I opened my own training facility. Fitness was always important but I really enjoyed helping those who felt completely broken. Every now and then, I would get someone that kept me up at night because I didn't have the answers; deep, chronic health challenges that they just seemed to be "stuck with". It always haunted me. Seeing people go from doctor to doctor, specialist to specialist with no resolution has always been something that perplexed me. Over the last few years my gaze has turned toward understanding how with just the right help, the body can heal itself in so many ways. Learning the intricate systems of the body and how they all work together to form US is something I nor anyone may fully grasp but true health is not a magic pill, it involves so many aspects of our life to be TRULY healthy. My family and I love our home town of Opelika and I look forward to helping you find new levels of health that you didn't know were even possible.

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